Thursday, November 17, 2016

Professionalism In Photography

                                                        Professionalism In Photography

        Professionalism, an act every one knows but not everyone uses!
When you own a business it is very important to be as professional as possible. Professionalism is
imperative to gain business and make your clients want to return to your business again in the future!

        Here is the story that brought me to write this blog post. I was checking my personal Instagram and was getting ready to check my photography business Instagram like I usually do. Before I left my personal Instagram I decided to click down there on the little magnifying glass to see the most recent posted stuff and stuff posted near me. I came across a photographer who uses his personal page to advertise for his photography business as well. Now I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that but I personally prefer to have two separate pages because it makes it easier to control. His page name was (I'm not going to state the actual name just give an example) "His first name - blank -  blank  Photography." I was like hey I will go check his page out, because I always love to check out fellow photographers pages and show them some love and kind words! After clicking on his page and scrolled for a second I instantly regretted it. I didn't regretted it because his work was bad because to be honest is was quite the opposite of bad it was AMAZING!!!! What made me regret clicking on his page was the way he posted profanity, and  vulgarity! One post was making fun of women's breast, another post had so many profane words I couldn't even count, and another post about yard sellers with a very inappropriate and hateful comment that I'm not even gonna begin to explain.

     Now to where professionalism comes in. For example say you have a person come up to you and they are interested in hiring you but they want to see your work first so you give them a link to your Instagram page because that is the only type of website you have for your photography. (Which I highly disagree on because you should always have a designated website for your photography business it is more professional and better for business. We will not get in to that because that is for a totally different blog post!) They go and look on there and see your Inappropriate and vulgar post's. There is a good chance they are not going to use you because of that. You have to be respectful and mindful of what people will think of each status you post. Once the word gets out about your posts it can really hurt your business because a post that could have easily been prevented by "thinking before you speak" post (if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all!)

    Always remember to be professional, respectful, polite, and think before you post and speak! I am going to wrap up this blog post here. My goal was to make this post hit in the right spot and get the point across with out this post being to long and boring to read. I wanted to make it just the right length so it was an interesting and intriguing to the reader! Thank you all for taking the time to read this post and I hope it was informational and helped anyone wanting to get in to posting on social media to advertise for their photography business!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Photographers Wedding Shoot Checklist

    Here are a few tips for those photographers who are new to the Wedding Photography business.
We will have suggestions on how to prepare and plan for your photoshoot on your clients big day.
When beginning the process remember to ask lots of questions pertaining to the event and what you clients expect to get from you, and remember a happy client means a job well done!

 We all know the key and most of the time the most important shots every photographer is looking for (or should be looking for) in a wedding shoot are (1) The kiss (2) The exchange of rings, but remember to ask the clients what specific shots they are wanting so you capture just what they are looking for. Different clients have different ideas, for example one client might want a group photo of everyone attending the wedding. Other clients might want a photo of certain people together in different photos.

 Each job is different and that's what excites most photographers. Photographers are always looking for new challenges!

 Now down to business or the more in depth business I should say.
For the client its all about location! location! location! So make sure you are ready and fully up to date with the ins and outs of your location. Professional photographers always say "When in doubt, scope it out!" Know where everything is and where you would like to get certain shots at. When starting a session start at the least favorite spot and work up to your most favorite. The reason for starting a your least favorite is because the longer you shoot you will warm up and get better images so when you reach you favorite spot you will get that perfect image, AKA the "Money Shot!"

  Now to the most important part "Equipment" all parts are very important but the reason this one is on top is because no equipment means not shoot or images that are not usable. (Its better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it)

Checklist time here we go!

1- Camera
2- Back up camera
3- Lenses
4- Back up Lenses (optional but a great idea)
5- Flashes
6- Filters (Filters are your friend and can work wonders)
7-Extra batteries for everything!!!! (including camera that's pretty important)
8-Memory cards (Depending on card size and how many photos you will be taking)
9-Tripod X2 (Just incase one breaks a leg... Pun intended)

  There are so many more items of equipment you could need depending on your shoot so it would be impossible to list them all. I have listed some of the most important. I hope this blog helps all the new photographers out there. Remember only you can set a limit on your goals and you can do and succeed in anything you put hard work and your mind to!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Just ordered a BUNCH of new photography equipment!! I am super excided like a kid on Christmas eve waiting on Santa to arrive!! LOL

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Just found out that one of my photos won 11 awards!!!!!!!
The awards include,
*Staff Winter Selection 2015
*Superb Composition (several times)
*Outstanding Creativity (several times)
*Top 20 Class Week 1
*Top 30 Class Week 1
*Top 30 Class (2 more times)
I also received several peer Awards!!! I am pretty excited and proud! Thank you to everyone who supports and follows my photography you guys rock and this could not have been possible with out you all!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Photographers Guide for a Photo Shoot in the Rain

 So you want to have a photoshoot in the rain? Do you have everything you need, and are you fully prepared to take on this amazing yet slightly difficult task?

 Having a photoshoot in the rain can be really awesome and you can get some amazing and beautiful shots. First things first we must be prepared, is your camera waterproof? If not you will need a plastic waterproof camera cover or if you want to keep it simple use a zip lock bag. (Put your camera in the zip lock bag and cut a hole just large enough for the end of the lens to clear the bag so it does not affect the shot, and your set.) Do you have a tent or something to cover the rest of you essential gear that you will need in the field? These are some of the most important things to be prepared for when shooting in the rain.

Now we are not done just quite yet. Did you and your customers bring a change of cloths? That's gonna be another very important thing you must consider. Will your clients be willing to get the clothes they have wet and dirty? If not instruct them to have clothes that they don't mind to get dirty and wet, but make sure they are nice looking clothes because if the customers don't look the part that can ruin the whole experience for you both.

 Now these are some of the most important tips and needs when having a photo shoot in the rain.
There will defiantly be more and that all depends on what you have planned for the photo shoot etc.
well that's all for todays blog Simple Life Photography fans. Remember to keep love in your heart and a smile on you face because that is the best recipe for making someone's day!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

What to Consider Before Having a Winter Wedding

Hello Simple Life Photography fans,

 Today I'm going to be talking about What to Consider Before Having a Winter Wedding.
Imagine this a fresh white glistening blanked of snow covers the ground and rows of chairs full of family and friends sit on each side of you as you walk down the isle to say I do. Just the perfect amount of snow is falling as you read you vows and kiss your groom. It just sounds perfect doesn't it?

 Having a winter wedding can be so amazing but there are some things you need to know and consider before planning you big day in a winter wonderland. Will the weather cooperate or will there be a blizzard during the middle of the event?, do you have children or elderly who cant be out in the cold for very long with out getting sick?, How are you going to keep every one warm? and How are you going to keep the decorations from getting ruined if a "blizzard" does happen to occur halfway through the wedding? There are going to be more things to consider it all just depends on what you have planned for you wedding.

 Now I'm not trying to discourage you from having a winter wedding. I think it would be so amazing and beautiful but we have to make sure its practical and everything we expect is possible. I cant wait to hear all your stories about your Winter Wonderland Weddings!

 This is Collin signing off until next time, remember to keep a smile on your face and love in your heart because that is the best recipe for making someone's day!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Life in a small town

  Bloomfield a small for the most part quiet little town nestled in South East Missouri and the county seat of Stoddard County. Home to the Stars and Stripes Museum and the Missouri State Veterans Cemetery. Bloomfield has a rich history dating back all the way back to the day it was founded in 1835. I am going to tell you a just a bit of history about the little ole town of Bloomfield but first I'm going to tell you how I see this town, my hometown. This town was built by hard work, the grace of god, and the hands of the people. When I wake up every morning I feel joy in knowing I live in such a great place, there are many great places out there but Bloomfield is like no other. We have some of the nicest people in the world that live here, everybody knows everybody as in any small town and everyone is willing to help those in need.

 We will great you with a smile and treat you with the upmost respect, we're old fashion around here, and we use yes ma'am, no ma'am, yes sir, and no sir. We believe in treating others the way you would want to be treated and going to church on Sunday morning. If you stop by you will be greeted with a warm Southern welcome and you won't leave with and empty stomach or without a smile on your face, Our smiles are big but our hearts are even bigger! We have some great tradition around here like the annual Christmas Basketball Tournament and Fall Festival where we all get together and enjoy just how great our small town be!

Now here is just a bit of history about our town. Some of the rich history of Bloomfield takes place during the civil war, The City of Bloomfield was the headquarters of a Confederate unit who was lead by Colonel Jeff Thompson. Thompson was later given the name “Swamp Fox” by Union soldiers for his ability to strike and then evade capture in the murky swamps. Crowley's Ridge was the only dry route to the north and south and this was well known by both sides which caused even more conflict. Bloomfield was later burned it is believed to be retreating Union soldiers who set the town ablaze.

Cool little bit of information in 1861 Union soldiers who were from Illinois published the first issues of the Armed Forces Newspaper known as the Stars and Stripes out of the abandoned Bloomfield Herald news paper office. The editor of the Bloomfield Harold was James O. Hull and we was believed to abandoned the office in the evening hours and tag along with Thompson's rebel forces as they left.
                                  (Pictures by Photographer Collin Julian (Me) Simple Life Photography.)

Bloomfield was reoccupied  in 1864 by Union forces and 3 fortified forts (two large and one small) were erected. The main large fort stood in the area which is now known as downtown Bloomfield, another of equal size to the main fort stood west of town off of J Hwy. in the area which is now the Dog Pound. The third and final fort smaller than the first two stood east of town. There is so much civil war history in Bloomfield and if you would like to know more I highly recommend you visit the Stars and Stripes Museum and the Bloomfield Library.

Bloomfield literally rose from the ashes, you know they always say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and I believe that to be true. I also believe Bloomfield is a great example of that and we have grown so much and continue to grow!

Here is my advice for anyone wondering if making a move to a small town is a good idea. I say go for it, a small town is one of the best things and I believe everyone should experience it once in their life. It will be different from a big city but there is so much love and life in a small town and it doesn't get much better than that. Well its time for me to say goodbye until next time so remember to keep love in your hearts and a smile on your face because that's the best recipe for making someone's day!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Took some nice HDR Photos in Downtown Bloomfield Missouri. If you love History this town is for you. This town has a rich history, some Civil War battles were fought in and around the small town of Bloomfield. Home of the Stars and Stripes Museum and the Missouri State Veterans Cemetery there is so much here to see and learn. Go ahead and mark Bloomfield down on you list of places to visit, you will not regret it!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

I am really liking my new logo!! I designed this today while I had a little free time in the studio.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year from Simple Life Photography! I hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year!
